World of Cruising

World of Cruising

Real Response Media

World of Cruising is Europe’s longest serving cruise publication. Since 1998 they have been inspiring, informing and engaging readers across all the elements of cruise holidaying – luxury, river, adventure and ocean.
The unrivalled collection of features, reviews, opinion, insight and practical advice is invaluable for first-timers and regular cruisers alike. It features the best writers who travel the globe and have years of cruising experience under their belts. Their insights and knowledge will help readers plan the right destinations, cruise lines and ships for them, and help them make the most of their cruise holiday experience.
An elite crew of writers and contributors with years of experience bringing the world of cruising, travel, cuisines, spas and international destinations to life for the readers in every issue. Published six times a year, and with an additional indispensable annual cruise directory, no other cruise publication has the combination of insider information, expert advice and comprehensive coverage than World of Cruising. Available for license now.

6 issues a year

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