Luftwaffe - Secret Jets of the Third Reich by Dan Sharp

Luftwaffe - Secret Jets of the Third Reich by Dan Sharp

Mortons Media Group

The last 12 months of the Second World War saw Germany being bombed day and night by the USAAF and the RAF, and constantly overflown by high-flying high-speed de Havilland Mosquito reconnaissance aircraft. Even the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter and Me 163 rocket-propelled interceptor were not capable of defeating these threats so drastic action was called for.

Aviation companies from across Germany set their finest minds to the task and produced some of the most radical aircraft designs the world had ever seen. They proposed rotating wing ramjet fighters, arrowhead-shaped rammers, rocket-firing bat-winged gun platforms, sleek speed machines, tailless flying wings, tiny mini fighters and a host of others ranging from deadly-looking advanced fighters to downright dangerous vertical launch interceptors.

Luftwaffe: Secret Jets of the Third Reich tells the stories of these and many other aircraft designed to defend Nazi Germany through rarely seen photos, new illustrations and original documentation and drawings from archives around the world.

Digital sample

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